Blue Manifesto Letter from the Editor
Not Full Enough
Henri Bergson on Possibility and Creation
The Ballad of Jeff Bezos
Margot Kaiser
When Jeff Bezos catapulted himself into orbit,
I couldn’t stop thinking about Jeff Bezos
catapulting himself into orbit.
It must’ve been a while ago, now. Still,
I think of Jeff Bezos catapulting himself
into orbit, often.
Jeff Bezos relinquishing his tether to the earth.
Jeff Bezos experiencing weightlessness.
Jeff Bezos unencumbered by gravity.
Jeff Bezos reaching for the stars.
Jeff Bezos sitting in a tin can.
The sun reflects off Jeff Bezos’ bald head,
refracted. Somehow,
brighter. A blindingly powerful beam of light,
worth billions.
May God's love be with you. ♫
Margot Kaiser is a Brooklyn-based writer from the great state of New Jersey. She received a degree from Stanford in English and Creative Writing, and trained professionally at the SF Conservatory of Dance, in case you’d like to know. She works in indie film production.